佛罗伦萨与巴格达 英文原版 Florence and Baghdad高性价比高么?


"Florence and Baghdad" is a book that explores the rich cultural and historical connections between the cities of Florence, Italy, and Baghdad, Iraq. The book, which is available in an English original edition, delves into the shared history and influence of these two cities, highlighting their roles in art, architecture, science, and culture.

The book may cover topics such as the exchange of ideas and influences between the two cities, the history of trade and exploration that linked them, and the contributions of their respective cultures to the global heritage of humanity. It could also include descriptions of the beauty and uniqueness of each city, from the Renaissance grandeur of Florence to the ancient splendor of Baghdad.

If you are interested in purchasing the English original edition of "Florence and Baghdad," you can search for it online or at bookstores that stock international or specialized titles. Keep in mind that the availability and pricing of books can vary depending on the publisher, distribution channels, and demand.


Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science (英语) 精装


The use of perspective in Renaissance painting caused a revolution in the history of seeing, allowing artists to depict the world from a spectator's point of view. But the theory of perspective that changed the course of Western art originated elsewhere--it was formulated in Baghdad by the eleventh-century mathematician Ibn al Haithan, known in the West as Alhazen. Using the metaphor of the mutual gaze, or exchanged glances, Hans Belting--preeminent historian and theorist of medieval, Renaissance, and contemporary art--narrates the historical encounter between science and art, between Arab Baghdad and Renaissance Florence, that has had a lasting effect on the culture of the West. In this lavishly illustrated study, Belting deals with the double history of perspective, as a visual theory based on geometrical abstraction (in the Middle East) and as pictorial theory (in Europe). How could geometrical abstraction be reconceived as a theory for making pictures? During the Middle Ages, Arab mathematics, free from religious discourse, gave rise to a theory of perspective that, later in the West, was transformed into art when European painters adopted the human gaze as their focal point. In the Islamic world, where theology and the visual arts remained closely intertwined, the science of perspective did not become the cornerstone of Islamic art. Florence and Baghdad addresses a provocative question that reaches beyond the realm of aesthetics and mathematics: What happens when Muslims and Christians look upon each other and find their way of viewing the world transformed as a result?


Hans Belting is Professor for Art History and Media Theory at the Academy for Design in Karlsruhe, Germany.


作者:Hans Belting 、Deborah Lucas Schneider

出版社: The Belknap Press; Tra (2011年9月2日)

精装: 312页

语种: 英语

ISBN: 0674050045

条形码: 9780674050044

商品尺寸: 18.1 x 2.4 x 24.5 cm

商品重量: 934 g

ASIN: 0674050045cefeb39bdca9fe4b.jpgfa21ee03afcce83d.jpge817a2234eaf8cf7.jpga1cf411080adc48f.jpg


著者:Hans Belting ;


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