





Voltage, commonly denoted by the symbol 'V', is the electrical potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit. It is measured in units of volts, named in honor of Alessandro Volta, the inventor of the battery. Voltage represents the ability to do work, such as powering devices or causing current to flow through a circuit.


The SI unit of voltage is the volt (V). Other commonly used units include the kilovolt (kV), megavolt (MV), and millivolt (mV), which are multiples or fractions of the volt.


Voltage is measured using a device called a voltmeter. This instrument is connected across the two points in a circuit where the voltage difference is to be measured. The voltmeter displays the voltage value in the appropriate units.


Voltage plays a crucial role in various fields of electronics and electrical engineering, including:

  • Power Transmission and Distribution: High voltages are used in power transmission lines to reduce energy losses and improve efficiency.
  • Electronics Devices: Voltage is essential for powering electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductors.
  • Electromechanical Systems: Voltage is used to control motors, solenoids, and other electromechanical devices.


Voltage is a fundamental concept in electronics and electrical engineering, representing the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit. It is measured in volts and can be measured using a voltmeter. Voltage plays a crucial role in various applications, including power transmission, electronics devices, and electromechanical systems. Understanding voltage and its associated terminology is essential for comprehending and analyzing circuit performance.

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标签: 电压说明